Reviews are coming in and Jess the Mastodon is making quite an impact in South Florida!
“A Mastodon Not Easily Forgotten”
While the imaginative, sometimes humorous piece features visual eye candy and attention-grabbing sound effects, the play also deals with mature themes. They include purpose, belonging, tolerance of differences, and the importance of dreams. With a credible, vibrant world premiere production of Teagle’s new play, running through Sept. 19, Florida Atlantic University’s professional company, the new work-oriented Theatre Lab, makes a triumphant return to live, in-person theater following the company’s pause due to the pandemic.
In the final analysis, this production is a triumph
Aaron Krause, Theatrical Musings
” Despite the 10-Foot Star, Mastodon Not Just Child’s Play”
(W)hile this self-styled “family play” has plenty to make children giggle and a child-telling-a-story aura suffuses the entire evening, Theatre Lab makes it clear that Rachel Teagle’s world premiere script is not children’s theater.
Under its considerable charm and playfulness, Mastodon investigates the complex yin-and-yang of aspirations and dreams.
Teagle’s script slides neatly into a groove that Theatre Lab excels at—a highly theatrical style that quietly teaches a lesson while entertaining you with a presentation reminiscent of your parents reading you Alice In Wonderland at bedtime.
Bill Hirschman, Florida Theater Onstage