Students at Michigan State University brought Jess the Mastodon to life this April! The show was part of their Storefront Theatre Initiative, in which “Creative teams are challenged to work with limited resources and shorter rehearsal periods, with an emphasis on the elements they can control: Writing, Acting, and Directing.” As such, there was no […]
Digital Program: Gh0stChaser04 at TCHF XIII 2024
Gh0stChaser04 Written by Rachel Teagle; Directed by Jenny Moeller Produced by A Murder of Crones Featuring: Rita Boersma, Megan Kim, Heather Meyer, Mickaylee Shaughnessy, and Ben Tallen Stage Manager and Gore Goblin: Shea Roberts Gyllen Additional Special Effects: Victoria Pyan Props Builder: Caden Wessner Special Thanks: Vinecia Coleman, Rachael Dosen TEAM BIOS Night_Raven: MEGAN KIM Megan […]
Photo Gallery – Girls in Bins TCHF 2023
Photos from “Girls in Bins” at the Twin Cities Horror Festival in October 2023
BTS – Opening Soundscape for “Girls in Bins”
Credits for the opening soundscape for “Girls in Bins” at the Twin Cities Horror Festival 2023
Coming Soon: Something Horrible
Rachel Teagle has a show in the 2023 Twin Cities Horror Festival
Utah Mastodons is “Good Theatre”
In a review by the Utah Theatre Bloggers Association, Jennifer Kokai’s production of “The Impracticality of Modern-Day Mastodons” at Weber State University was “beautifully designed and thought provoking” as well as “a lot to unpack.” You can read the full review here, along with some promotional shots of the cast with a local skeleton. Delores […]
The Snow Queen Freezes Cowley College
Here’s a Flickr slideshow of production photos from the Cowley College production of my adaptation of “The Snow Queen” in December, 2019, directed by Nick Albrecht. I especially dig the rocky trolls and Hagatha’s stylin’ footwear. According to the Courier Traveler, over 1500 students in the Arkansas City, KS area saw the show!
Director Jenny Kokai on Mastodons
This was my first pandemic era live performance and I wanted to do something boldly theatrical ensemble based with a huge challenge– a 9 foot puppet operated by 4 puppeteers. For me, the heart of this play was about a person who has been told she is too big, too impractical, too much and needed […]
Jess Stomps Through Weber State
Would you look at that adorable graphic? Weber State in Ogden, Utah was the first university production of …Mastodons in November, 2021. Directed by Jennifer A. Kokai (who’s also a fabulous playwright), the production featured a very snuggly mastodon, stuff falling from the ceiling (which I love), and some excellent student actors. They also have […]
Theatre Lab Review Round-Up
Reviews are coming in and Jess the Mastodon is making quite an impact in South Florida! “A Mastodon Not Easily Forgotten” While the imaginative, sometimes humorous piece features visual eye candy and attention-grabbing sound effects, the play also deals with mature themes. They include purpose, belonging, tolerance of differences, and the importance of dreams. With […]